I have to do the whole post on the Salar tour, and that's going to take a while... so I thought I'd just post a couple of pictures to give you an idea...
Right now I'm in Peru, just crossed the border this morning, after spending a comatose day/night in Copacabana... I slept close to 12hrs... serious!! It was nice to have a big comfortable bed, and not have to have 7 blankets to keep warm... :)
Alright, pictures!
Crossing the border into Bolivia... if you look carefully, there's a Bolivian flag on the background... but we were running so as to catch the train, and the guidebook had said several times "no pictures allowed at border control areas" so we thought it safer to avoid them...
That's Laguna Verde, in the middle of the desert, almost on the border with Chile... altitude? Somewhere around 4100m I think... cold and hard to breathe, but beautiful nonetheless...
Sunrise on the Salt Flats.... it was freaking cold (yep, it was cold during the whole tour!!) but it was really beautiful!!! :)
Alright, that's all for the moment.... I'll get my act together and write about the whole tour day-by-day before I have too much more to write and it gets hard to catch up... Tomorrow we're already going on another 2-day tour, to some islands on Lake Titicaca... :)
Nice!!! I hope you post some more pictures on FB when you get back!!
I have to do a trip to those places... oh, my! it's breathtaking!
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