Friday, April 9, 2010

Switzerland-- part II


The next day, I got up early and took a train to Zurich, where I was going to meet a dear old friend I hadn't seen for 7 years. 7 YEARS!! Ok, so it's true that it ends up happening to me a lot, since I'm always going everywhere and have friends all over the place... but 7 years is a looooong time!!!

We met in Argentina (where he's from) and became really good friends very, very quickly. That's probably why we had managed to stay in touch, and I couldn't wait to see him. He's been doing his PhD in Medical Genetics in Germany, but took a week off work and came down to Zurich so we could hang out, before we went back to Germany together for a few more days before I went to Berlin.

So I arrived a few minutes before him, and was waiting at the train station. Then I saw him, and it was like we had seen each other the day before. Sure things had changed... we had changed, grown up, evolved... but we were still the same, and we realized we're just as good friends now, as we were back then.

Zurich was great... we were just staying for a couple of days, so we had to make the best of it. The first day was sunny and beautiful, and we walked around aimlessly in the little streets, looking at old churches, statues of reformers, and chocolate shops. Oh, yes...  the chocolate... ;)

City view... 

Frozen fountain which attests to the fact
that it may have been sunny, but definitely wasn't warm!!!

Us in front of a fountain...

A well deserved Starbucks break... :)

However, the second day was cold and windy, and walking around against the elements is just not fun... so we decided to go off the beaten track, and check out the Medical Museum of the University of Zurich. It was really cool, sometimes a little crazy, and pretty informative... It was also inside, which means away from the cold and the wind! After that we went to find some food, and grab our stuff and head to the train station, to get our train to Germany! 

So watch out Germany, here I come!!!!!!!!!!! :) 

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